Bill Sautter ◆ Chairman | Managing Partner*
Bill Sautter is a seasoned Silicon Valley-based private investor, entrepreneur & executive and investment banker. He founded Galaxy Ventures in 1999, and has more than 25 years of experience in management, marketing, sales/business development, global product distribution, mergers & acquisitions/corporate development, product development and legal matters with various firms. He (co)founded, managed and has been an investor/advisor with successful firms resulting in sizable IPO, VC, M&A, private equity and other financing & liquidity events—achieving 9-figure cumulative transactions/value. He has been a Director of several portfolio firms and has taken an active role in certain entities. Previously, he founded American Technology Ventures. He founded & managed the North American operations of BusinessObjects, the first European-based, venture-funded, start-up company to go public in the U.S [acquired by SAP for $6.78 billion]. Previously, he held worldwide marketing & national sales positions with ORACLE Corp. [nasdaq: orcl], the world's second largest software & services company, where his affiliated organizations grew from $340 to $550 million, and $60 to $110 million, respectively. He was Vice President of Marketing & Sales for Trillian Corp., a venture-funded manufacturer of multimedia software & workstations, where, among other things, he co-developed the technology that was the basis for Flash [following its acquisition by ISI, Macromedia and then Adobe Systems]. Previously, he was in product marketing for Informix, a database software firm [acquired by IBM]. He began his career as a systems engineer, and co-founded several ventures while in college. He earned a BSEE from Santa Clara University and attended the Stanford University Graduate School of Business/AEA Executive Institute. A Silicon Valley native, he & affiliated entities support various charities & the arts, and is a long-time Board Member of the Bob Moog Foundation (music+STEM education focus). He is affiliated with various professional organizations. His diverse interests include music/keyboards, astronomy & [particle] physics, SCUBA diving & aviation. He has traveled to 45 countries & 40 states, hopes to see them all someday, and speaks several languages. He is a published concert photographer and avid "shutterbug."
R. Lopes ◆ Venture Investor Emeritus†
Mr. Lopes has more than 30 years of experience in corporate finance & administration. He has held executive roles including CFO with various publicly-held & high-growth private firms in the U.S. & Europe, including two KleinerPerkins-funded ventures—one acquired by a Fortune 500 firm. He has been a Director of several firms, and a financial & management consultant. He received a BSC from Santa Clara University and MBA from University of California, Berkeley.
The identity of co-investors, partners and affiliates is private.
*LLC Manager †Consultant only/non-Manager/non-Member